This website describes the lifetime work of Argentinean physicist, Dr. Ricardo Carezani.
In the early 1940s from ages 20 to 24, Carezani found two flaws in Einstein’s special relativity leading him to a simplified version of Einstein’s equations which he called “autodynamic”. Carezani showed both mathematically and physically that the two frame system of special relativity reduced to a one frame system and the resulting equations showed a world where motion at the most fundamental level requires the ejection of mass from an existing mass to move. Instead of the mystical “increasing” mass as speed approached the speed of light, mass, in order to move, must eject part of its mass to move, much like a rocket.
Carezani also unraveled the origin of the polemic neutrino particle which was created in order to conserve energy while using the flaws special relativity equations. Supporting this thesis, Carezani then when on to use the autodynamic equations to describe nuclear-nuclear collision without the neutrino (a simplification), derive Bohr’s atom equations without wave equations, and support the thesis that gravity is caused by a particle which is captured by mass and / or released.
To see another site about Carezani’s work, please see: http://autodynamicslborg.blogspot.com/